- 性别 : 男
- 毕业院校 : 瑞典乌普萨拉大学
- 学历 : 博士研究生毕业
- 学位 : 博士
- 在职信息 : 在职
- 所在单位 : 信息科学学院
- 办公地点 : 主楼南配楼310
- Email : b205cc60cb0bcb8f73293c830f090c50f70b3b2384c8dc00cc52553207dc048e87650a87834362af9adb074da7b5c0f8450045f6da47ca94382918746eca1a8dbfdac8d90eb9d78162f862a694901bf95652819697ae60f372842f68f65cb1e3acfc9e423062bbcf82eb73ba2146ad191c0fbab80f94d4eddb801155ee814a9d
访问量 :
[1] 唐共波,Christian Hardmeier. Parallel Data Helps Neural Entity Coreference Resolution. Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023. 2023-7. 2023/ACL/3162-3171
[2] Gongbo Tang, Philipp Rönchen, Rico Sennrich, and Joakim Nivre. Revisiting Negation in Neural Machine Translation. Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics. 2021-1
[3] Gongbo Tang, Mathias Müller, Annette Rios, and Rico Sennrich. Why Self-Attention? A Targeted Evaluation of Neural Machine Translation Architectures. EMNLP 2018
[4] Gongbo Tang, Rico Sennrich, and Joakim Nivre. Encoders Help You Disambiguate Word Senses in Neural Machine Translation. EMNLP 2019
[5] Gongbo Tang, Fabienne Cap, Eva Pettersson, and Joakim Nivre. An Evaluation of Neural Machine Translation Models on Historical Spelling Normalization. COLING 2018
[6] Gongbo Tang, Rico Sennrich, and Joakim Nivre. Understanding Pure Character-Based Neural Machine Translation: The Case of Translating Finnish into English. COLING 2020
[7] Gongbo Tang, Rico Sennrich, and Joakim Nivre. Understanding Neural Machine Translation by Simplification: The Case of Encoder-free Models. RANLP 2019
[8] 唐共波,于东,荀恩东. 基于知网义原词向量表示的无监督词义消歧方法. 中文信息学报. 2023-3
[9] 唐共波,Christian Hardmeier. Mention Attention for Pronoun Translation. 2023 International Joint Conference on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. 2023-7. 2023/1-5,p 161-164
[10] Gongbo Tang, Rico Sennrich, and Joakim Nivre.. An Analysis of Attention Mechanisms: The Case of Word Sense Disambiguation in Neural Machine Translation. WMT 2018
[11] Gongbo Tang, Gaoqi Rao, Dong Yu and Endong Xun. Can we neglect function words in word embedding?. NLPCC 2016
[12] Gongbo Tang, Yuting Guo, Dong Yu and Endong Xun. A hybrid re-ranking method for entity recognition and linking in search queries. NLPCC 2015
[13] 唐共波,Rico Sennrich,Joakim Nivre. (评职称2023) Encoders Help You Disambiguate Word Senses in Neural Machine Translation. EMNLP. 2019-11. 1429–1435页
[14] 唐共波,Rico Sennrich,Joakim Nivre. (评职称2023) An Analysis of Attention Mechanisms: The Case of Word Sense Disambiguation in Neural Machine Translation. WMT 2018. 2018-10. 26-35页
[15] 唐共波,Fabienne Cap,Eva Pettersson,Joakim Nivre. An Evaluation of Neural Machine Translation Models on Historical Spelling Normalization. COLING 2018 - 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Proceedings. 2018-8. cs.CL/1806.05210,1320–1331
[16] 唐共波,Rico Sennrich,Joakim Nivre. Understanding Pure Character-Based Neural Machine Translation: The Case of Translating Finnish into English. arXiv. 2020-11. cs.CL/2011.03469
[17] 唐共波,Mathias Müller,Annette Rios,Rico Sennrich. (评职称2023) Why Self-Attention? A Targeted Evaluation of Neural Machine Translation Architectures. 2018 CONFERENCE ON EMPIRICAL METHODS IN NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING. 2018-11. 4263–4272页
[18] 唐共波,Rico Sennrich,Joakim Nivre. Understanding Neural Machine Translation by Simplification: The Case of Encoder-free Models. International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP. 2019-9. cs.CL/1907.08158,1186–1193
[19] 唐共波,Philipp Ronchen,Rico Sennrich,Joakim Nivre. Revisiting Negation in Neural Machine Translation. Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics. 2021-8. 第9期,740-755页,Q1