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Advanced Courses (lower-高级上)

Advanced Chinese

2020-03-04 Hits:

This is Lesson 1 of comprehensive course, including materials:

  1. Lesson 1 Powerpoint: PDF file

  2. Learning guide: PDF file

There is one video in this lesson:

https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDU1OTEwMzc2OA==.html, password: gaojihanyu

Homework for this lesson: please send it to the teacher: 13681443775@163.com.

Deadline: 8, March, 2020.

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Gender:Male Education Level:博士研究生 Alma Mater:北京语言大学 Degree:博士 Status:在职 School/Department:汉学与中国学学院 Business Address:北京语言大学主楼912办公室 Contact Information:010-82303047 E-Mail: