Scientific Research
Research Projects
more+- [1] 殷晓君,张一萍.新形势下专门用途汉语的理论探索和实践研究. 院级认定校级团队项目 . 2022-01-01-至今 . 进行
- [2] 翟艳,李胜梅,韩玉国,苏向丽,宋刚,别红樱,程璐璐,张一萍,程艳,殷晓君.基于中介语语料的来华预科生基础汉语习得与教学研究(虚体所). 委托项目 . 2017-11-01-至今 . 进行
- [3] 安维华,荀恩东,徐娟,张习文,付永刚,刘颖滨,李超,管延增,戴媛媛,张军,于淼,殷晓君,曹钢.移动互联网背景下语言教育的关键技术研究创新平台. 梧桐创新平台 . 2016-01-01-2021-12-08 . 完成
- [4] 翟艳,李胜梅,韩玉国,苏向丽,宋刚,别红樱,程璐璐,张一萍,程艳,殷晓君.基于中介语语料的来华预科生基础汉语习得与教学研究 . 2017-01-01-至今 . 进行
- [5] 翟艳,韩玉国,宋刚,别红樱,尚英,程璐璐,张一萍,许宏鉴,李卉,殷晓君,李耘达.预科生国别文化对汉语学习的影响. 规划项目 . 2014-12-03-至今 . 进行
Paper Publications
more+- [1] 殷晓君,宋国龙,杨瑞霞,徐娟. A Study on Automatic Grading of Chinese Text Complexity Combining Deep Machine Learning and Language Complexity Features. Proceedings of the 2023 9th International Conference on Industrial and Business Engineering. 2023-9. 72-78页
- [2] 殷晓君,宋国龙,王鸿滨. Research on Graded Chinese Text Corpus for International Chinese Language Education. Proceedings of the 2023 6th International Conference on Big Data and Education. 2023-8. 论文集118-124页
- [3] 殷晓君,邵艳秋. 基于语义依存构式的中文文本语义复杂度特征研究. 语言文字应用. 2023-8. 2023(3),132-142
- [4] 宋国龙,殷晓君. Sentence-Level Readability Assessment Based on Dependency Grammar. Proceedings of the 2023 6th International Conference on Big Data and Education. 2023-6. 论文集136-140页
- [5] 宋国龙,殷晓君. Sentence-Level Readability Assessment Based on Dependency Grammar. Proceedings of the 2023 6th International Conference on Big Data and Education. 2023-6. 论文集136-140页
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