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Paper Publications
- 2020-09-25
杨麟儿,孔存良,陈云,刘洋,范齐楠,杨尔弘. Incorporating Sememes into Chinese Definition Modeling. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing. 2020-4. 28卷,1669-1677页,Q1
- 2019-09-18
张文静,张惠蒙,杨麟儿,荀恩东. 基于Lattice-LSTM的多粒度中文分词. 中文信息学报. 2019-1. 33/1/18-24
- 2019-09-18
张文静,张惠蒙,杨麟儿,荀恩东. 基于Lattice-LSTM的多粒度中文分词. 中文信息学报. 2019-1. 33/1/18-24
- 2019-09-18
杨麟儿,孙茂松. Improved Learning of Chinese Word Embeddings with Semantic Knowledge. CCL 2015. 2015-11. 15-25
- 2019-09-18
杨麟儿,陈新雄,刘知远,孙茂松. Improving Word Representations with Document Labels. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing. 2017-4. 25/5/863-870
- 2019-09-18
杨麟儿,孙茂松,程勇,张嘉成,刘正皓,栾焕博,刘洋. Neural Parse Combination. Journal of Computer Science and Technology. 2017-7. 32/4/749–757
- 2019-09-18
杨麟儿,张梅山,刘洋,孙茂松,余南,付国宏. Joint POS Tagging and Dependence Parsing With Transition-Based Neural Networks. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing. 2018-8. 26/8/1352-1358
- 2019-09-18
任宏凯,杨麟儿,荀恩东. A Sequence to Sequence Learning for Chinese Grammatical Error Correction. NLPCC2018, LNAI 11109. 2018-8. 2018, 401-410页
- 2019-09-18
任宏凯,杨麟儿,荀恩东. A Sequence to Sequence Learning for Chinese Grammatical Error Correction. NLPCC2018, LNAI 11109. 2018-8. 2018, 401-410页