A Framework of Chinese Vocabulary Smart Fragmented Learning System
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- 作者:Huizhou Zhao
- 所属单位:北京语言大学
- 学科门类:工学
- 通讯作者:Huizhou
- 发表时间:2023-05-14
- 一级学科:工学
- 论文类型:论文集
- 发表刊物:Computer Science and Education. ICCSE 2022. Communications in Computer and Information Science
- Issn号:978-981-99-2446-2
- 是否译文:否
- 关键字:Fragmented Learning, Smart Learning, Chinese Vocabulary Learning
- 项目来源:国家社科重大项目
- 摘要:This paper proposes a framework of Chinese Vocabulary Smart Fragmented Learning System (CVSFLS) which supports Chinese vocabulary fragmented learning driven by idioms learning. AI-based environmental analysis technology, mobile positioning technology, vocabulary knowledge graph and learning resources with learning environmental information enable this system to support smart learning. Fun, multimodal learning resources and an unlimited list of recommended words make learners more addicting in fragmented learning.
- 合写作者:Zhao