Paper Publications
安维华,吴嘉伟,韩睿方,荀恩东. A Teaching Tool for the Handwriting Quality of Chinese Character Strokes Based on Mobile Device. 2015 3rd International Conference on Advances in Social Science, Humanities, and Management. 2015-12. 355-363页
韩睿方,安维华,荀恩东,李琪. 汉字书写过程中笔画规范性的实时分级评判. 计算机应用(增刊). 2016-6. 第36卷,增刊1,281-285页,314页
唐共波,饶高琦,于东,荀恩东. Can We Neglect Function Words in Word Embedding?. NLPCC-ICCPOL 2016, LNAI 10102. 2016-12. 541–548页
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