[1] 2018.11 to Now
[2] 2002.8 to Now
Beijing Language and Culture University
| Faculty of Linguistic Sciences
| Professor of Linguistics
| (先后在)外国语学院-语言科学院-语言学系/乔姆斯基研究所
[3] 2012.6 to Now
University of Vienna
| Department of Sinology
| Guest Professor
| 客座教授
[4] 2011.1 to 2012.1
Mucau University of Scienceand Technology
| International School
| 办公室主任
| VIsiting Professor
| 访问教授
[5] 2008.9 to 2010.3
Yili Normal University
| Department of Foreign Languages
| Dean of the department
| Professor of English
| 中组部第六批援疆干部
[6] 2006.8 to 2007.9
Masachussettes Institite of Technology
| Department of Linguistics and Philosophy
| Post-doctoral Visiting Scholar
| 博士后研究工作
[7] 1990.9 to 1996.10
| 中教二级
| 中教二级教师
Fuzhen Susan Si
Education Level:博士研究生毕业
Alma Mater:PhD of Linguistics, BLCU/MIT Post-Doc
Work Experience
Current position:
/ Work Experience