Paper Publications
张三乐,刘鹏远,张虎. A Corpus-based Contrastive Analysis of Style, Vocabulary and Theme of Wuxia and Xianxia Internet Novels. 19th Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistic, CCL 2020. 2020-11. 2020.ccl-1,10–19页
王伟康,Yi Wu,Yixiang Liu,刘鹏远. BLCUFIGHT at SemEval-2021 Task 10: Novel Unsupervised Frameworks For Source-Free Domain Adaptation. Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation. 2021-8. 2021年,357–363页,EI会议
赵春旭,刘鹏远,于东. From Polarity to Intensity: Mining Morality from Semantic Space. Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics. 2022-10. 2022年第1期,1250–1262页
李加厉,shucheng zhu,ying liu,刘鹏远. Analysis of Gender Bias in Social Perception and Judgement Using Chinese Word Embeddings. GeBNLP 2022. 2022-7. 2022年,8-16,EI会议
胡梦旸,刘鹏远,Lin Bo,Yuting Mao,Ke Xu,Wentao Su. ProPC: A Dataset for In-Domain and Cross-Domain Proposition Classification Tasks. Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing. 2021-10. LNAI 13028,569-578页,EI会议
邢百西,赵继舜,刘鹏远. A Probe into the Sentence-level Linguistic Features of Chinese Relation Extraction. Proceedings of the 20th Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistic. 2021-8. 2021年8月13-15日,643–654页,EI会议
朱述承,wangxi,刘鹏远. Who Killed Sanmao and Virginia Woolf? A Comparative Study of Writers with Suicidal Attempt Based on a Quantitative Linguistic Method. Chinese Lexical Semantics 2020. 2021-5. LNAI 12278,408-420页
朱述承,苏祺,刘鹏远. 基于语料库的我国职业性别无意识偏见共时历时研究. 中文信息学报. 2021-5. 2021年第5期,130-140页
毕洪亮,刘鹏远. Clue Extraction for Fine-Grained Emotion Analysis. 9th CCF International Conference, Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing 2020. 2020-10. 777–788页
毕洪亮,刘鹏远. Clue Extraction for Fine-Grained Emotion Analysis. 9th CCF International Conference, Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing 2020. 2020-10. 777–788页
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