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Paper Publications
- 2019-09-18
陈傲,Varghese Peter,Frank Wijnen,Hugo Schnack,Denis Burnham. Are lexical tones musical? Native language’s influence on neural response to pitch in different domains. Brain and Language. 2018-5. 第180-182卷,31-41页
- 2019-09-18
范珊珊,李爱军,陈傲. Perception of Lexical Neutral Tone Among Adults and Infants. Frontiers in Psychology. 2018-3. 卷9,文献号322
- 2019-09-18
陈傲. 母语特征、双语经历与音乐节奏感知. 中国语音学报. 2018-6. 2018年第9辑,1-7页
- 2018-04-24
陈傲,Frank Wijnen,Charlotte Koster,Hugo Schnack. 阅读障碍风险家庭幼儿与正常幼儿词汇发展对比研究. 中国听力语言康复科学杂志. 2017-9. 第15卷/第5期/325-330页